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2024 Excellence in Construction & Safety Awards

Celebrating Outstanding Achievements of 2024

The Rocky Mountain Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors invites you to present your company's innovative methodology, commitment to safety and leadership in the commercial or industrial construction industries by entering this year's Excellence in Construction and Safety (EIC) Awards competition.  An invaluable business development tool, the EIC Awards demonstrate your company's dedication to and achievement of the highest-quality standards throughout the region.  Winners will be recognized at our Excellence in Construction and Safety celebration on October 24th.



2024 Rocky Mountain Program Dates & Deadlines

  • Friday, September 13, 2024 – Submission of Intent to Complete and Non-Refundable Payment of $400 per submission registration due by 11:59 PM (MDT)
  • Saturday, September 21, 2024 -- Judging, Round 1 begins.
  • Monday, September 23, 2024 -- Judging, Round 2 begins, if necessary.
  • Monday, September 30, 2024 -- Judging, Bonus Round begins, IF NECESSARY.
  • Friday, October 4, 2024 – Winners will be notified.
  • Tuesday, October 22, 2024– Winners will be celebrated and recognized at ABC Rocky Mountain's Annual Excellence in Construction® & Safety Awards Gala.

How to Apply & Rules of Entry

  1. Entries must be from a current member of ABC Rocky Mountain Chapter and be a contractor.  Projects completed through a joint venture must include a document outlining the ownership percentage and responsibilities of each partner. Include the document with the Project Information section. If the majority partner is an ABC member but not all partners are ABC members, only the majority contractor is eligible to enter.
  2. Entry fee.  A non-refundable registration fee of $400.00 is required per entry (members may enter more than one project).  Payment must be made by credit card.  Checks will not be accepted.  
  3. Safety Policy  company that experiences a safety-related fatality of a direct employee in the United States within the current program year (Oct. 16, 2023 - Oct. 15, 2024) is NOT eligible for an Excellence in Construction award. If a subsidiary is a direct ABC member versus part of a larger holding company member, then the subsidiary with a safety-related fatality is not eligible, but another subsidiary of the same holding company may be.  No project that involves prime, multi-prime or sub-trade contractors with a safety-related fatality is eligible to be considered for an award.

Click here to view and download the 2024 Project Entry Regulations and Submission Process Guide



2024 National Program Dates & Deadlines

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – Date by which construction of the submitted project must be completed

Friday, October 25, 2024 – Phase I: Deadline to register your project and submit payment (intent to compete)

Friday, November 15, 2024 – Phase II: Deadline to submit the final application. Applicants will have until 11:59 p.m. ET to finalize all applications.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024 – All applicants will receive an email detailing the results.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025 – Winners will be celebrated at the 34th Annual National Excellence in Construction® Awards Gala in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Questions regarding Local or National Excellence Awards:
Jen Hight, Membership Services Specialist
303-832-5812 or email: info@abcrmc.org