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2024 Excellence in Construction Awards

Join us as we celebrate the very best in the commercial construction industry!


The Excellence in Construction awards program recognizes outstanding quality construction produced by members of ABC North Florida. Please join us in honoring merit shop contractors for their exceptional achievements in our industry. ABC members are encouraged to invite their entire project team(s) including architects, engineers, owners, developers, government officials, et. al. to the awards program. 


What’s NEW & Different this year?

Historically, our Chapter has hosted an Excellence in Construction Awards Program Gala only during the odd years, biennially, in Tallahassee, FL.  This will be our first endeavor to expand the awards program into an annual event, utilizing a venue in Pensacola, FL in an even year (2024). As we move toward an ANNUAL EIC Event, you will notice the Project Completion Window has been expanded this year to include all of 2023 and most of 2024. 

January 1, 2023 - August 23, 2024

Project Completion Window


  • The venue for the 2024 EIC Awards Gala will be the Hilton Hotel, Pensacola Beach, FL.  Please check for lodging information during the gala registration process later in the year.

December 5th 2024 Pensacola Beach Hilton


Watch this six-minute tutorial to learn more about the electronic application process; the video is quite dated but if you’ve never applied for EIC electronically, you may still find it helpful.

Click here to go to National for more details on helpful hints, examples, and creating a successful entry

2024 Checklist

Click to Apply

Electronic Submission Steps

All applications are to be submitted electronically following the below steps:
*It is recommended you use Google Chrome to ensure program compatibility.

1.   Open the EIC Awards Application. For first-time applicants click My Account on the top left to create a username and password to access the registration and application pages. If you have submitted previously, your username and password remain the same from year to year.

2.   You may save your information as you go and revisit the application as needed, prior to final submission.

3.   Once you have completed your EIC Awards Application, click Add to Cart. You may then select to pay by check or credit card (through Stripe).

4.   Please let us know if you do not receive a confirmation email containing a receipt for your submission fees. 

5.   Once you have completed the application, you can view your completed applications under the My Applications section of your profile. You will then be sent to the confirmation screen which will have an area at the top in a red box that says, "Your Application Requires Additional Information - Click Here". Once you click on that link it will take you to the submission information for your project. This can also be found under the "Needs Attention" tab under My Applications.

6.   When ready, click Save and Finalize to submit the application. Once the application is finalized, you will no longer be able to make edits. A confirmation should be automatically emailed to you; please let us know if it's not received.

**All entries will require a completed and attached Project Entry Qualifications/Photo Release. This form is available here.**


Watch this six-minute tutorial to learn more about the electronic application process.

Click here to go to National for more details on helpful hints, examples, and creating a successful entry

Eligibility Requirements 

Each entry must follow the entry requirements outlined in the award application. Each project must be entered separately. There is no limit to the number of entries per member, or in any one category. You may email questions to marketing@abcnorthflorida.org. 

§ Only current members of the ABC North Florida Chapter may enter. 

§ Any licensed GC, specialty contractor, or construction manager affiliated with an ABC North Florida Member Company. 

§ ABC NF Members who are Subcontractors acting as General Contractors on a project are also eligible to enter.

§ Joint ventures are eligible if at least one firm is a member of ABC North Florida. 

§ ABC North Florida reserves the right to change an entry’s original category if it determines that a project’s opportunity to win will be enhanced in a different category.  ABC NF also reserves the right to redistribute the contract volume levels within a category, if doing so is advantageous to the applicant(s).

Important Dates! 

NOTE: Construction Projects Must Be at least “Substantially Complete” by the latest deadline of August 23rd, BEFORE Judging/Scoring Begins.

§ January 1, 2023 – August 23, 2024, Eligible construction projects must be at least “Substantially Complete” by the latest (now extended) deadline of August 23rd, BEFORE Judging/Scoring Begins.  

§ May 15, 2024 – June 15, 2024, Early Bird Application Window: Entries will be accepted beginning May 15th. The deadline to pay the early entry fee of $475 and submit the final application with supplemental materials (online) is 11:59 p.m. EST on June 15th.  

§ June 16, 2024 – August 1, 2024 Regular Entry Window: Regular entries submitted during this window must include payment of $575 and be submitted with supplemental materials by 11:59 p.m. EST on August 1, 2024.

§ August 2, 2024 – August 23, 2024 LAST CALL Window : By popular request, this LAST CALL application window will be available with an entry fee of $675.  Last Call award entries submitted during this window must include payment of $675 and be submitted with supplemental materials by 11:59 p.m. EST on August 23, 2023.

§ Mid to late September, 2024 - EIC award winners/finalists are notified; please invite your entire project team(s) including architects, engineers, owners, developers, government officials et al and register to attend the award program on December 5, 2024 ~ Pensacola Beach, FL.

§ December 5th, 2024 – Awards Gala @ Pensacola Beach Hilton

Safety Policy

A company that experiences a safety-related fatality of a direct employee in the United States within the current program year is NOT eligible for an Excellence in Construction Award. If a subsidiary is a direct ABC member, versus part of a larger holding company member, then the subsidiary with a safety-related fatality is not eligible, but another subsidiary of the same holding company may be. A company that experienced a safety-related fatality of a direct employee in the United States within two or three years of the current program year is required to provide additional information regarding the action taken following the fatality. No project that involves prime, multi-prime, or sub-trade contractors with a safety-related fatality is eligible to be considered for an award.

Number of Entries

There is no limit to the number of entries in any category. Members may also enter projects in more than one category, but any single project can only be entered in one category. Entries must clearly specify in which category and level the project is being entered. ABC North Florida reserves the right to change an entry’s original category if it determines that a project’s opportunity to win will be enhanced in a different category.  ABC also reserves the right to redistribute the contract volume levels within a category, if doing so is advantageous to the applicant(s).

Projects previously submitted for an EIC Award through ABC North FL are not permitted to be entered again.

Joint Venture Projects

Projects completed through a joint venture must include a document outlining the ownership percentage and responsibilities of each partner. Include the document with the Project Information section.

Completion of Project

To be eligible for award consideration, the project must be at least “substantially complete” by the latest deadline of August 23, 2024, BEFORE Judging/Scoring Begins.  Completion is considered the date the Final Certificate of Occupancy is issued. The project should be located within the North Florida Chapter's geographic region OR managed from the member’s office that is located in the Chapter's region (see the red shaded area on the map below for reference). Projects previously submitted for an EIC Award through ABC North FL are not permitted to be entered again.


Mailing Address for Payment

ABC North Florida
1415 East Piedmont Dr, Suite 4, 

Tallahassee, FL 32308

Application Categories

General Contractors

Specialty Contractors

2024 ABC North Florida EIC Judging Criteria 

The panel of judges represents a cross-section of construction industry experts. In an effort to ensure objectivity, the judges reside in areas outside of the Chapter's geographic region. The competition is comparative, using a point system to assist in the comparisons. A project entry can earn a total possible score of 100 points. The different evaluative sections and their point values are listed below. Answers to questions on the award application should be clear and succinct; the quality of an entry’s presentation will greatly impact its opportunity to win.

Overall Presentation and Conformance to Entry Requirements (5 points) 

§ Uploaded documents should be pleasing to the eye and legible. Points will be deducted for fonts too small to easily read. 

§ Points will be deducted for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and other typographical errors. 

Contracted Scope (10 points) 

§ Include up to one full page, ensuring legibility when selecting font design and size. 

§ Provide a description of your scope for this project including the following information: 

§  Type of construction

§  Type of contract (i.e., lump sum, time, and materials, cost plus, etc.)

§  Size of project

§  Contract value

§  Duration of project

§  Percentage of labor that is self-performed

§  Any subcontracted work performed by fellow ABC members, suppliers, or associates/industry professionals, if applicable. (visit www.findcontractors.com to look up ABC membership status) 

§  Describe the opportunities you provided to the construction community to participate based on merit. 

Project Narrative (30 points) 

§ Include up to four pages, ensuring legibility when selecting font design and size. Four pages are highly recommended, and photos/images may be incorporated. 

§ Provide a written narrative indicating why this project is special and why it qualifies for an award. The focus of the narrative should be the construction (i.e., erection, installation, modification, grade footprint, etc.) of the project. Be sure to include the following items: 

§  Describe any innovative programs relating to quality control.

§  Describe any innovative programs relating to scheduling.

§  Describe any value analysis/engineering process used on the project.

§  Indicate any special obstacles you overcame in completing the project.

§  Describe any difficulties or extenuating circumstances encountered in completing the project. 

§  Describe any innovative programs or methods related to productivity. 

§ Projects entered into the Community/Public Service categories may include one additional page (for a total of five pages) dedicated to describing why the project qualifies for the category. Include a detailed description of the resources donated by your company. 

Photographs (8 points) 

§ Submit up to ten high-quality photographs (jpg format) of the projects. Ten photos are highly recommended. 

§ To obtain maximum points, include “in progress” photos for new construction or “before and after” photos for restoration and renovation projects in addition to completed project photos. 

§ It is recommended to include photos that are relevant to the challenges and solutions outlined in the narrative. 

§ Provide a short descriptive caption for each photograph in the text box provided, but keep electronic images clear of any labels or captions. 

§ Single jpg files may include up to two photographs, but no more than four files should include split images. 

§ Ensure the photographs do not include any safety violations (e.g. not wearing PPE on jobsites). 

§ The photographs must be a minimum of 300 dpi resolution. 

§ The photographs must not be submitted within a software program such as PowerPoint or Acrobat and must not include any text or framing that affects the photo. 

§ Photographer’s Use Authorization: If any photos being submitted were taken by a third-party photographer, the photographer’s written authorization to use the photos is required. The photographer can sign and date the licensing agreement. 

Project Safety (31 points) 

§ No project that involves a prime, multi-prime, subcontractor, or any trade-related work (regardless of the type of contract) with a safety-related fatality is eligible for an Excellence in Construction Award. 

§ No company that experiences a safety-related fatality within the current program window (January 1, 2023 - August 23, 2024) is eligible to submit a project. Additional details follow on the safety form. 

§ Complete the separate Project Safety section on pages 9 and 10 of this application.

§ You must include your company’s OSHA Form 300A (project-specific, if available) for the year(s) the project was under construction. 

§ You must also include your company’s OSHA Form 300 (project-specific, if available) for the year(s) the project was under construction, with personal information redacted. 

§ Include the additional documents requested on the Project Safety Form. 

§ In order to be eligible to win an award, the company must sign the Drug- and Alcohol-Free pledge found at drugfreeconstruction.org.

§ In order to be eligible to win an award, the company must have a written Safety and Health Policy Manual. 

References (10 points) 

§ Include letters of recommendation from third parties involved with the project, such as the owner and team. If the owner is unable to provide a letter of recommendation due to company policy, include a letter from the owner on its letterhead stating it is unable to provide a reference (this letter will qualify for up to 5 points). 

§ General contractors must submit letters from at least the owner (or the general contractor’s prime contracting entity, if not the owner) and the architect. If submitting in an industrial category, general contractors must submit letters from at least the owner (or the general contractor’s prime contracting entity). 

§ Specialty contractors must submit a letter from at least the general contractor if working under a general contractor. If not working under a general contractor, specialty contractors must submit a letter from at least the owner. Second- and third-tier subcontractors must at least submit a letter from their prime contracting entity. 

§ Letters will be assessed for their level of quality (content and position of author). In some cases, a single letter could earn the maximum number of points; however, additional letters are highly recommended. 

§ Provide a short description in the text box provided of how the author of each letter was involved in the project. 

Supplemental Materials (2 points) 

§ Up to five pages. 

§ Provide any miscellaneous supporting materials such as diagrams and other graphics, media coverage, awards, and promotion. 

AQC Contractor (optional) (2 points) 

§ If your company is designated as an ABC Accredited Quality Contractor (AQC), include a copy of the company certificate. If necessary, a copy of the certificate may be requested by emailing aqc@abc.org. 

§ The certificate must indicate the chapter through which you submit your project because AQC membership is chapter specific.

§ AQC status is not required to submit a project for an Excellence in Construction award.
*For more information about AQC and to download an application, visit abc.org/aqc* 

STEP Participants (optional) (2 points) 

§ If your company is a Safety Training and Evaluation Process (STEP) participant, include a copy of the company certificate from the year(s) the project was performed. If you do not have a copy of your certificate, email safety@abc.org. 

§ The certificate must indicate the chapter through which you submit your project because STEP participation is chapter specific.

§ STEP participation is strongly encouraged, but not required to submit a project for an Excellence in Construction award.

§ For more information about STEP and to download an application click here.

2024 Checklist